Washington County

County seat: Fort Edward

2020 population: 61,302
More Washington County census data

Regional funders: Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region, Glens Falls Foundation, Tri-County United Way
In 2022, an estimated 1,129 people worked at 103 nonprofit establishments in Washington County – or 11.3% of the county work force. Wages totalled $47.5 million.
Revenues: According to the Internal Revenue Service, 348 nonprofit organizations in Washington County filed tax returns reporting revenues totalling $233.6 million.
Property taxes: Of 35,951 parcels, 40.67 percent had whole or partial tax exemptions in 2023.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics; Internal Revenue Service, 2024; Office of Real Property Tax Services, 2023.

Upstate Giving profiles of communities in Washington County:

Major non-governmental grantors
Capital Region Regional Economic Development Council
Charles R. Wood Foundation
Mary McClellan Foundation
Hedbring Foundation
Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York

Largest nonprofits in Washington County (by assets) include:

 Washington Saratoga Warren Hamiltonessex Counties Health Ins Consorti
 Fort Hudson Nursing Center
 Episcopal Charities of Albany
 Warren-Washington Association for Mental Health
 Washington County Local Development Corp
 Washington County Fair
 Fort Hudson Home Care
 A M H Resources Corp
 Agricultural Stewardship Association
 Mary McClellan Foundation